Tried and tested methods used to lose postpartum baby weight by real mums.



  • Bust a move with your baby

Mom: Lizzy

Lost: 13.6 kilograms (30 pounds) in 5-6 months

I was stuck inside all winter with my newborn, so I started a dance party tradition. I played my favourite cheesy '80s songs and danced around the living room with my son. Or I'd put him in his bouncy seat and let him laugh at my ridiculous moves. Not only did I get some exercise, but this really boosted my mood during those long, cold (and sometimes pretty dull) days.


Mom: Donna

Lost: 13.6 kilograms (30 pounds) in 2 months

I'd use my son Cane during squats, sit-ups, and arm lifts. For the first few months, I'd add just a couple of sets a day as we were playing. Now that he's almost a year old (and a lot heavier), it's still a great way to get in an extra workout without hitting the gym.


  • Fend off Temptation

Mom: Kerri

Lost: 5.5 kilograms (12 pounds) in 8 months (with 5 Kilograms to go)

I'm a chronic snacker, so I've made a real point to keep my favourites out of the house so I'm not tempted as much. When I'm really craving something (like crisps), I buy only a single portion size so I can eat the whole thing guilt-free.


Mom: Emily

Lost: 18 kilograms (40 pounds) in 10 months

With all the running around that you do with kids, I thought the weight would come off naturally -- but that didn't exactly happen. So, after a few months, I made a couple of small but significant changes. I stopped my daily Costa Coffee runs (I'd always eat some kind of pastry whenever I'd go there) and limited alcohol to no more than two drinks a week. After a couple of months, my clothes became looser and I started getting those wonderful "you look awesome!" comments. Now, my smaller size keeps me motivated to stay that way.


  • My #1 Eat Less Trick

Mom: Tammy

Lost: 18 kilograms (40 pounds) in 5 months

Use your freezer! I started keeping yogurts there and would have those for dessert instead of ice cream. (Because they come in pre-portioned containers and take longer to eat frozen, you tend to have less.) I'd also freeze other splurgy desserts for when I was craving something just plain baaaad -- you're much less likely to pound down four at once this way.


Mom: Danielle

Lost: 36 kilograms (80 pounds) in 6 months

When I was down to the last 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds), I increased the amount of water I drank, sipping a glass before, during, and after feeding the baby. This helped to keep me full, and away from the snacks!


  • Walk it off!

Mom: Nicole

Lost: 15.9 kilograms (35 pounds) in 19 months

I walked with my daughter a little bit every single day, whether it was down the street, around the backyard, at the grocery store, or at the shopping center. We'd stroll for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour a day, depending on hthe day. Don't be pulled back from slapping on those yoga pants and taking the pram for a power walk.


  • Work for your wardrobe

Mom: Rachel

Lost: 24.5 kilograms (54 pounds) in 8 months

I wouldn't let myself buy any new clothing, so my choices were maternity wear or pre-pregnancy wear. With almost nothing that fit, I knew I had to lose the weight before the end of my maternity leave so I'd have something to wear to the office. So, I hired a personal trainer for the first two months who really kicked my butt twice a week. After these two months my training habit was now developed and no longer needed the extra motivation to get me to the gym. I was a new person!




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